Source code for wbuild.utils

import fnmatch
import os
import sys
import yaml
import yaml.scanner
import yaml.parser
import yaml.error
import operator
import re
from functools import reduce
from snakemake.logging import logger
from snakemake import get_argument_parser, parse_config, SNAKEFILE_CHOICES

class bcolors:
    HEADER = '\033[95m'
    OKBLUE = '\033[94m'
    OKGREEN = '\033[92m'
    WARNING = '\033[93m'
    FAIL = '\033[91m'
    ENDC = '\033[0m'
    BOLD = '\033[1m'
    UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'

[docs]def checkFilename(filename): """ :param filename: to check :return: has appropriate name? :raises: ValueError if the name is inappropriate """ if " " in filename: raise ValueError("Spaces are not allowed in the filenames. File: {0}",filename) if "-" in os.path.basename(filename): raise ValueError("- are not allowed in the filenames. File: {0}", filename) return True
def findFirstFile(startingPath, pattern="readme", ext=".md", re_flags=0): pattern = re.compile(pattern, flags=re_flags) onlyfiles = [f for f in os.listdir(startingPath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(startingPath, f))] for f in onlyfiles: if pattern.match(f) and f.endswith(ext): return os.path.join(startingPath, f) return None
[docs]def findFilesRecursive(startingPath, patterns): """ :param startingPath: root path of the search :param patterns: patterns to search file names for :return: paths to files matching the patterns """ matchedFilepaths = [] for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(startingPath): dirnames[:] = [d for d in dirnames if not d[0] == '_'] dirnames[:] = [d for d in dirnames if not d[0] == '.'] for file in reduce(operator.add, (fnmatch.filter(filenames, p) for p in patterns)): checkFilename(file) absFilepath = os.path.join(root, file) if not absFilepath in matchedFilepaths: matchedFilepaths.append(absFilepath) sortedMatchedFilepaths = sorted(matchedFilepaths) conf = Config() regex = re.compile(conf.get("fileRegex")) reFiles = list(filter(, sortedMatchedFilepaths)) logger.debug("Found files in scope of wBuild: " + str(reFiles) + ".\n") return reFiles
[docs]def parseYAMLHeader(filepath): """ :param filepath: path to the file :return: String representation of the YAML header in the file, including inter-document framing ("---") """ yamlHeader = [] for i, line in enumerate(open(filepath).readlines()): # process yamlHeader.append(line.strip()[2:]) # terminate if that's already "#'---" (=end of YAML-designated area) if i != 0 and line.startswith("#'---"): break result = '\n'.join(yamlHeader) logger.debug("Got " + result + "as a result of parsing YAML header from " + filepath + ".\n") return result
[docs]def hasYAMLHeader(filepath): """ :param filepath: path to the file :return: file contains YAML header? """ with open(filepath, "r") as f: lines = f.readlines() line = lines[0] if(line.startswith("#'---")): return True return False
[docs]def parseWBInfosFromRFiles(script_dir="Scripts", htmlPath="Output/html"): """ :param script_dir: Relative path to the Scripts directory :param htmlPath: Relative path to the html output path :return: a list of dictionaries with fields: - file - what is the input R file - outputFile - there to put the output html file - param - parsed yaml params """ parsedInfos = [] #errorOccured = False for filename in findFilesRecursive(script_dir, ['*.r', '*.R']): if not hasYAMLHeader(filename): # Ignore files without YAML infos continue header = parseYAMLHeader(filename) # run all the synthax checks - will raise an error if it fails yamlParamsDict = parseYamlParams(header, filename) if yamlParamsDict == None: #parsing error occured continue #go on parsing next file if type(yamlParamsDict) is str: #allow parsing one tag without double points as string; put it in a dict and check later on yamlParamsDict = {yamlParamsDict: None} if('wb' in yamlParamsDict):# the header contains wb informations outFile = htmlPath + "/" + pathsepsToUnderscore(os.path.splitext(filename)[0]) + ".html" parsedInfos.append({'file': linuxify(filename), 'outputFile': outFile, 'param': yamlParamsDict}) logger.debug("Parsed informations from R files: " + str(parsedInfos)) #if errorOccured: # raise ValueError("Errors occured in parsing the R files. Please fix them.") TODO really raise a ValueError? return parsedInfos
[docs]def parseWBInfosFromRFile(filename, htmlPath="Output/html"): """ :param filename: Relative path to the Scripts directory :param htmlPath: Relative path to the html output path :return: a list of dictionaries with fields: - filen - what is the input R file - outputFile - there to put the output html file - param - parsed yaml params """ parsedInfos = [] #errorOccured = False if not hasYAMLHeader(filename): # Ignore files without YAML infos print('Header not valid') header = parseYAMLHeader(filename) # run all the synthax checks - will raise an error if it fails yamlParamsDict = parseYamlParams(header, filename) if type(yamlParamsDict) is str: #allow parsing one tag without double points as string; put it in a dict and check later on yamlParamsDict = {yamlParamsDict: None} if('wb' in yamlParamsDict):# the header contains wb informations outFile = htmlPath + "/" + pathsepsToUnderscore(os.path.splitext(filename)[0]) + ".html" parsedInfos.append({'file': linuxify(filename), 'outputFile': outFile, 'param': yamlParamsDict}) logger.debug("Parsed informations from R files: " + str(parsedInfos)) #if errorOccured: # raise ValueError("Errors occured in parsing the R files. Please fix them.") TODO really raise a ValueError? return parsedInfos
[docs]def parseMDFiles(script_dir="Scripts", htmlPath="Output/html", readmePath=None): """ :param script_dir: Relative path to the Scripts directory :param htmlPath: Relative path to the html output path :param readmePath: Relative path to the readme :return: a list of dictionaries with fields: - file - what is the input .md file - outputFile - there to put the output html file - param - parsed yaml header - always an empty list """ logger.debug("Finding .md files:\n") htmlFiles = [] foundMDFiles = findFilesRecursive(script_dir, ['*.md']) if readmePath is not None and readmePath not in foundMDFiles: foundMDFiles.append(readmePath) for f in foundMDFiles: outFile = htmlPath + "/" + pathsepsToUnderscore(os.path.splitext(f)[0])+ ".html" logger.debug("Found " + outFile + ".\n") htmlFiles.append({'file': linuxify(f), 'outputFile': outFile, 'param': []}) return htmlFiles
def getYamlParam(r, paramName): if 'wb' in r['param'] and type(r['param']['wb']) is dict and paramName in r['param']['wb']: foundParam = r['param']['wb'][paramName] return foundParam return None
[docs]def parseYamlParams(header, f): """ :param header: String form of YAML header :param f: Filename of a file from where the header was parsed :return: Parameters dictionary parsed from the header; None if parsing errors occured """ try: param = next(yaml.safe_load_all(header)) except (yaml.scanner.ScannerError, yaml.parser.ParserError, yaml.error.YAMLError, yaml.error.MarkedYAMLError) as e: if hasattr(e, 'problem_mark'): if e.context != None: logger.error('Error while parsing YAML area in the file ' + f + ':\n' + str(e.problem_mark) + '\n ' + str(e.problem) + ' ' + str(e.context) + '\nPlease correct the header and retry.') else: logger.error('Error while parsing YAML area in the file ' + f + ':\n' + str(e.problem_mark) + '\n ' + str(e.problem) + '\nPlease correct the header and retry.') else: logger.error("YAMLError parsing yaml file.") return None except Exception as e: print(bcolors.FAIL + bcolors.BOLD + 'Could not parse', f, '. Include valid yaml header. Not showing any further errors. \n', 'Errors {0}'.format(e) + bcolors.ENDC) return None logger.debug("Parsed params: " + str(param) + "\n.") return param
[docs]def pathsepsToUnderscore(systemPath, dotsToUnderscore = False, trimPrefix=True): """ Convert all system path separators and dots to underscores. Product is used as a unique ID for rules in or the output HTML files :param systemPath: path to convert in :param dotsToUnderscore: if the dot should be converted as well. Defaults to false :return: path string with converted separators """ if trimPrefix: conf = Config() systemPath = removeFilePrefix(systemPath, conf.snakeroot) if dotsToUnderscore: return systemPath.replace('.', '_').replace('/', '_').replace('\\', '_') return systemPath.replace('/', '_').replace('\\', '_')
[docs]def linuxify(winSepStr, doubleBackslash = False): """ Convert windows (path) string to the linux format. :param winSepStr: (path) string with windows-like "\" separators :param doubleBackslash: if the slashes in the winSepStr are double (happens when you read a macro string raw. Ex.: "C:\\Program Files\\a.txt" :return: str with substituted "\" -> "/" """ if doubleBackslash: return winSepStr.replace("\\\\", "/") return winSepStr.replace("\\", "/")
class Config: sysargs = None args = None config = None config_dict = None path = "wBuild.yaml" snakefile = "Snakefile" snakeroot = "" instance = None def __init__(self): # check if it is already initialized if self.instance != None: self.config = self.instance.config self.conf_dict = self.instance.conf_dict self.args = self.instance.args self.path = self.instance.path self.snakefile = self.instance.snakefile self.snakeroot = self.instance.snakeroot return # we dont need the first argument aka call to snakemake self.sysargs = sys.argv[1:] parser = get_argument_parser() self.args = parser.parse_args(self.sysargs) self.path = self.args.configfile self.snakefile = self.args.snakefile self.config = parse_config(self.args) if self.path is None: for p in ["wbuild.yaml", "config.yaml", "wBuild.yaml"]: if os.path.exists(p): self.path = p break else: if type(self.path) is list: if len(self.path) != 1: raise Exception("Path is a list of more than one element! '" + str(self.path) + "'") self.path = self.path[0] self.path=os.path.abspath(self.path) # this is taken from the snakemake main file if self.snakefile is None: for p in SNAKEFILE_CHOICES: if os.path.exists(p): self.snakefile = p break self.snakeroot = os.path.dirname(self.snakefile) #load defaults self.loadDefaultConfiguration() try: fh = open(self.path, "r") except IOError: raise IOError("Can not read config. Are you sure you have enough " "rights and config path (wbuild.yaml) is right?") configDict = next(yaml.safe_load_all(fh)) if configDict == None: logger.error("Error parsing wbuild.yaml - format is wrong. Working with defaults...") else: self.conf_dict = merge_two_dicts(self.conf_dict, configDict) #fill Singleton Config.instance = self # check if readme file exists readme = self.get("readmePath") if not readme.endswith(".md"): raise ValueError("Readme file is '{}' but should end with '.md'".format(readme)) def loadDefaultConfiguration(self): # Readme readmePath = "" abspathSnakeroot = os.path.abspath(self.snakeroot) onlyfiles = [f for f in os.listdir(abspathSnakeroot)] for f in onlyfiles: f = os.path.join(abspathSnakeroot, f) if not os.path.isfile(f): continue if ("readme" in f) and f.endswith(".md"): readmePath = f break self.conf_dict = {"htmlOutputPath": "Output/html", "processedDataPath": "Output/ProcessedData", "scriptsPath": "Scripts", "projectTitle": "Project", "readmePath": readmePath, "htmlIndex": "index.html", "indexWithFolderName" : False} def getConfig(self): return self.conf_dict def get(self, attrname): if (attrname in self.conf_dict): return self.conf_dict[attrname] else: raise AttributeError("There is no attribute " + attrname + " in the configuration file loaded!") def merge_two_dicts(x, y): z = x.copy() # start with x's keys and values z.update(y) # modifies z with y's keys and values & returns None return z
[docs]def writeWbuildVersion(): """ Write wBuild version to .wBuild/.version """ with open(".wBuild/.version", 'w') as file: import wbuild file.write(wbuild.__version__) file.close()
[docs]def wbuildVersionIsCurrent(): """ Read wBuild version from .wBuild/.version and compare it to wbuild module version from pckg mngr. :return: True if wBuild up-to-date, False if not """ with open(".wBuild/.version", 'r') as file: static_v = import wbuild dynamic_v = wbuild.__version__ return dynamic_v in static_v
def removeFilePrefix(f, prefix): if f.startswith(prefix): f = f[len(prefix):] if len(prefix) > 0 and f.startswith("/"): f = f[1:] absPrefix = os.path.abspath(prefix) if f.startswith(absPrefix): f = f[(len(absPrefix)+1):] return(f)