Source code for wbuild.cli

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""CLI interface to wbuild."""

import sys
import os
import click
import wbuild
import pathlib
import shutil
import distutils.dir_util
import click_log
import logging
import wbuild.utils as utils
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def setup_paths(): """Setup the wbuild paths """ templatePath = pathlib.Path(wbuild.__file__).parent / 'template' wbuildPath = pathlib.Path(wbuild.__file__).parent / '.wBuild' demoPath = pathlib.Path(wbuild.__file__).parent / 'demo' return templatePath, wbuildPath, demoPath @click_log.simple_verbosity_option(logger) @click.version_option('1.8.0',prog_name='wBuild') def main(): pass # -------------------------------------------- # commands @main.command() def init(): """Initialize the repository with wbuild. This will prepare wBuild in the current project """ if os.path.exists(".wBuild"): logger.error("ERROR: .wBuild already exists. Use update if you want to update the version") sys.exit(2) templatePath, wbuildPath, demoPath = setup_paths() distutils.dir_util.copy_tree(str(wbuildPath), './.wBuild') if not os.path.isfile("Snakefile"): shutil.copy(str(templatePath / 'Snakefile'), '.') if not os.path.isfile("wbuild.yaml"): shutil.copy(str(templatePath / 'wbuild.yaml'), '.') ### search for a file containing the word readme and .md if utils.findFirstFile(".", "readme", "md") is None: copyReadme = input("wBuild needs in a root folder of your project. Shall we create the default " "one? (y/n)") if 'y' in copyReadme: shutil.copy(str(templatePath / ''), '.') utils.writeWbuildVersion()"init...done") @main.command() def demo(): """Setup a demo wBuild demo project """ if os.path.exists(".wBuild"): logger.error("ERROR: .wBuild already exists. Run demo in empty folder.") sys.exit(2) templatePath, wbuildPath, demoPath = setup_paths() shutil.copy(str(templatePath / 'Snakefile'), '.') shutil.copy(str(templatePath / 'wbuild.yaml'), '.') distutils.dir_util.copy_tree(str(wbuildPath), './.wBuild') distutils.dir_util.copy_tree(str(demoPath), '.') utils.writeWbuildVersion()"demo...done") @main.command() def update(): """Update the .wBuild folder to the most recent version of wBuild """ # - check if .wBuild exists # - if it doesn't, return the error # - if it does, update it if not os.path.exists(".wBuild"): raise ValueError(".wBuild doesn't exists. Please run wBuild init first or move to the right directory")"Removing .wBuild") shutil.rmtree("./.wBuild") # import subprocess # deprecatedPackages = subprocess.check_output(['pip','list','--outdated']).decode("utf-8") # if 'wbuild' in deprecatedPackages: # logger.warning("Newer version of wBuild available.") # updateConf = input("Update wBuild using pip (requires internet connection)? (y/n)") # if 'y' in updateConf: #['pip','install','wbuild','--upgrade']) #"wBuild successfully updated!")"Running .init") templatePath, wbuildPath, demoPath = setup_paths() distutils.dir_util.copy_tree(str(wbuildPath), './.wBuild') utils.writeWbuildVersion()"update...done")